Accessing eBooks
On the main page of the virtual library you can type the title of the eBook you wish to access in the space provided and click Search.
Alternately you can click the eBooks tab to view the full eBook catalogue.
You can also click eBooks in the left side menu and search by eBook category or keyword. You can also click the letters of the alphabet to view an alphabetical list.
After you have found the eBook you wish to access simply click the title to access a list chapters. Click the chapter you would like to access to read the full text.
Advanced Searching
You can use the databases listed under the Databases section in the left side menu to conduct more advanced searches. Each database has its own process for searching for information. You can find further information on how to use the different databases by clicking Help in the Library Menu on the left side of the page or by using any tutorials that are provided on the main page of the database.
Accessing eJournals
On the main page of the virtual library you can type the title of the eJournal you wish to access in the space provided and click Search. Alternately you can scroll down to view the full eJournal catalogue.
You can also click eJournals in the left side menu and search by eJournal keyword or click the letters of the alphabet to view an alphabetical list.
After you have found the eJournal you wish to access simply click the title to access a list of all the volumes. Click the volume you would like to access and then the article name to access any articles.
For further information on how to use the Virtual Library please read this guide.