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April 2, 2025: de Souza Institute Systems Maintenance

On April 2, 2025 we will be performing scheduled maintenance that will impact the de Souza Institute web sites and systems, including the eLearning Centre and My Account. Please expect our sites and all courses to be unavailable starting on April 2 at 21:00 (9 PM) Eastern time and ending on April 2 at 23:00 (11 PM) Eastern time.
Please make sure to log out from the eLearning Centre before maintenance starts so that you do not lose any work.

Cancer Chat Contact information, email - Knowledgebase / Cancer Chat - de Souza Institute Help Center

Cancer Chat Contact information, email

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If you have any questions or comments, you can contact us about our support programs at the email or address below.

Cancer Chat
de Souza Institute
c/o Toronto General Hospital
200 Elizabeth Street, RFE 3-440
Toronto, ON, M5G 2C4

If you are looking for general cancer resources or help, please visit one of the organizations on our resources page. Please consult with your physician for guidance or information about treatment and/or medication. If you think you may have a medical emergency call your doctor or 911 immediately.

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