Your T2202/T2202A Tuition and Enrolment Certificate has been calculated according to the part-time months allotted for each course.
Example: You took Foundations in Oncology Nursing Practice (FONP03MAR18) which started on 2018-03-05, the allotment of the tuition fee and part-time months into the session periods will look like this:
The tuition fee will apply on the first session period (Jan-Apr 2018)
FONP is alloted 3 part-time months starting March (Mar, Apr, May) -
The part-time months are broken into two:
2 in the first session period (Mar and Apr)
1 in the second session period (May)
T2202A Session Period Allotment
From | To |
| ||
Y | M | Y | M | Eligible tuition fees | Number of months for Part-time |
2018 | 01 | 2018 | 04 | $399.00 | 02 |
2018 | 05 | 2018 | 08 | $0.00 | 01 |
2018 | 09 | 2018 | 12 | $0.00 | 00 |
| Totals | $399.00 | 03 |